Sounds Familiar?

We know kicking the habit can be
very hard.

Most smokers require 5 to 7
attempts before they finally quit.

But It’s never too late

Most adverse health effects caused due to
smoking decline dramatically after quitting.

Quitting is a journey,
a journey you don’t
have to take on alone.

Introducing Quitx

A program created by certified healthcare professionals using
tested methods to help you on your journey to quit.

To Live Smoke Free

Access Detailed Analytics

Real time feedback mechanisms that help keep you in check along with personal analysis based on goals set.

Celebrate Milestones

View and share progress with your loved ones. We know quitting is hard. That's why we celebrate you.

The QuitX Community

Share your stories with the community, a practice that helps you stay motivated and in turn motivate others.

We Understand What It Takes

We're Backed By Research

Our program is scientifically proven. Using CBT and NRT Therapies, we help fight the urge to smoke again.

We Identifying Triggers

Developed to cater to your personal goals and act on your triggers, satiating cravings with in-app features.

We Help You Self Self Reflect

Experience a specially curated library of mindful exercises, helping you curb and control cravings & mood swings.

Tailored For You, By You.

Creating A Goal

Designed based on goals set by you. Built around your triggers and cravings.

The Pre-Quit Program

Developed by health care professionals to help get you ready to start quitting.

Setting A Quit Date

Based on your goals and triggers, together we realistically set a quit date.

Quitting isn’t always bad.
Live Better with QuitX

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Reena Marketeer, Brand Manager

I picked up smoking socially and didn't think it was a big deal. I started smoking more frequently and hated how it made me feel.

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Saakshat, Lawyer

Quitting wasn't easy, but I only have my support system to thank. It took discipline, but I'm glad I followed through.

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Namrata, Client Servicing

It feels like a new life! It really does. After cutting down, I'm finding back my stamina and aiming to get back to doing 10 burpees in a row.

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Sachin, Marketer

I smoked for over 8 years. I continued while being fully aware of the consequences. Going cold turkey was the best decision I ever made.

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Aditi Rego, Artist

This is my second attempt at quitting. I know it isn't easy, but I know it'll be worth it.

Ready When You Are